The Twelve-Fingered Boy (The Twelve-Fingered Boy Trilogy)

The Twelve-Fingered Boy - John Hornor Jacobs

Picked this up after reading Cory Doctorow's glowing review on Glad I did! Shreve is in juvie for trying to steal his neighbor's pick-up truck. Shreve is not a bad kid; he just knows how to work a system. And now it's his job to teach his new roommate, Jack, about this system. Jack is a couple years younger than Shreve, and reminds Shreve of the little brother he's left at home. But there is something strange about Jack, and something even stranger about the mysterious people who come to visit him. Shreve and Jack must get out of the detention center to save Jack from these people.


Shreve narrates the story, which is why we learn so much about his background. He really isn't a bad kid. He's just had a lot on his plate for a fifteen-year-old. He's the caretaker of his family, and now he's not there because of one stupid act. It's his strong will that saves Jack from Quincrux and the witch. But in the end, we still don't know much about Jack, or where Quincrux ultimately takes him. I'm hoping there's another story, maybe told from Jack's perspective so we can learn more about this twelve-fingered telekinetic.